May is always a super busy month for my family. We have two birthdays very close together, my hubs and my son. My son Myles was actually due on my husband’s birthday but he decided to make an appearance two days earlier. I guess he was set on having his own birthday party ha! Myles is ninja turtle crazy right now so of course I had to have a ninja turtle party! It was so much fun, I made a couple of games for the kids * and the kids at heart*, Pin the pepperoni and Mask Master. It was weird, the kids were all playing perfectly but the adults were having a hard time….hmm… so I tested the mask myself and you couldn’t see anything.. but the clever kids were tilting their heads back so they could see! Bunch of cheaters!

Here are a couple of pics from the party, there was a ton of pizza because that’s what ninja turtles eat 😉 and the ninja turtle cookies I made *cowabunga dude!!*

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The hubs and I got Myles a bike for his birthday with no training wheels. We set off to the park to practise and he was so excited. He fell a few times and I just couldn’t look anymore! But after an hour he started balancing better and then he got it! I was so proud of him! My eyes welled up and I quickly wiped the tears away before he could see them. I’m so very proud of him, so very proud, he never gave up, even though he fell so many times. He said the best part was feeling the wind in his face 🙂

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We’ve also done our fair share of kite flying, I am still the reigning champion, although my hubs would greatly disagree *what’s new there hahaha*


School will be coming to a close soon. My son is moving up to kindergarten and my daughter to preschool. We’ll be going on an adventure next month and they have no idea! I’m so excited and I can’t wait until we get back to share some awesome pictures with you! I hope you all had a wonderful May! and guess what? We’re that much closer to Christmas YAYYYYY! I’ve already started playing Christmas Carols 😀 😀


SO… I am putting my 3 year old daughter up for sale…no seriously.. my little ‘angel’ picked all of the young peaches off of my peach tree except one and then stood there smiling at me! She thought it was hilarious! I guess the culling lesson went a bit over her head, I mean she is 3 after all 😂… I’m still furious 😲😒😒 but she’s lucky that she’s cute, maybe I’ll consider keeping her.


The criminal escapes!


So anywayyyy in other gardening news, I have an apple on my tree! Only one apple you say? Well somehow I felt my little ‘angel’ also had something to do with this! Grrrrr!! 😒😒


The blueberries are ripening. She helped herself to the ripe berries yesterday. Thanks kid, such a great sharer!


The hubs and my 4 year old son tilled the soil in my raised bed and added supplements and eggshells.  I am so grateful for that because I still feel pretty blehhh. They did a great job with my micromanaging of course hehehehe!


They found a rogue tomato plant that must have sprouted from last years seeds, so they moved it to a safe place in the corner and it even has a cute little tomato on it already!


I’ve moved my seedlings outside to get used to the weather. At this time last year it was still freezing and as I write this its 90F!!😰



Once again I am trying my hand at herbs. I think they dislike me and things go awry and they always end up dead. Am I an herb murderer?!? *gasp* I just don’t understand it! I can keep difficult orchid species alive and prospering but I can’t keep basil alive!? BASIL!!! Come on Natasha! Get yourself together for heaven’s sakes!

I hope that the weather is lovely where you are and that you’ll be able to get out and garden soon! What are you planting this year?

Happy Gardening! 🙂 🍄🍄🍄


I spent most of the weekend in bed, dying from a cold and sinus infection *I know I’m so dramatic*, but I honestly thought that I had seen the light! Or maybe I had too much Dayquil. 😂

The hubs took care of the kids while I got some rest, which means that they had a bath outdoors in the sprinklers, ate pizza and corn dogs and ice cream and no vegetables, oh they just had the best weekend of their lives! Ha! The big bad mommy was away so the mice surely played!10845691_10155365013840431_7238757307276762837_o

I started feeling a little better on Saturday night, so I helped the Easter bunny fill some eggs and make baskets for the egg hunt. We hid the eggs including two golden eggs $$ 🐣 and then went to bed.

The munchkins were up at 7am and eager to see if the Easter bunny came, so I grabbed my camera and took the best pics I could with both eyes still closed 😂😷 11084136_10155365014450431_9071281087678217302_o 11103081_10155365015245431_3448513594700324012_o 10583048_10155365015645431_6146902202839555369_o 11090988_10155365015860431_5628718515527306150_o 11130419_10155365015905431_6639876006600474952_o

After they found their baskets and eggs we had a huge waffle breakfast and then I started prepping for an afternoon BBQ *which I ruined because I couldn’t taste the salt in the food and then gave everyone hypertension LOL*, but they were good sports and ate the burgers that were drowning in salt 😂

Then we did and outdoor egg hunt and grandpa couldn’t keep his big mouth shut and kept telling the kids where the eggs were! So next year we’ll give him a basket since he wanted to play so bad 😂😂 There was also some wrestling, a bubble gun show down, hula hooping and candy tasting *I swear the kids wanted us to share their candy*. All in all everyone had a great time and we’re hoping to continue this tradition for years to come, but without the salty food! 😉11134020_10155365016025431_6175893274665088661_o 10845705_10155365016125431_5600370942517402935_o 11015350_10155365016470431_3135672654597204935_o 11080849_10155365017040431_9022707550500929087_o 10915026_10155365017490431_7562372435796417460_o 11082437_10155365018250431_2631984032547462165_o 11080364_10155365019120431_5561335820243052084_o 11146409_10155365019315431_8414852697237585534_o 10922655_10155365020150431_6753762939742810852_o 10857250_10155365020845431_3060789644469218945_o

I hope you had an amazing Easter as well! 💜


Just another day playing outside with the kids, finding wish flowers *weed spreaders*, making lizard catchers, picking lemons and making lemonade. Life was good until that humongous grasshopper tried to hitch a ride in my hair! HA!


She found some huge wish flowers, and her wish was for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 😂😂





Lizard catcher complete
Can you spot the huge hopper!? I think it shaved 9 years off of my life 😂😂😂😂